terça-feira, 19 de agosto de 2008


someone singing " i want you in tha voyage a mental voyage built by your sensuality, by the movement of your body, your craisyness about yourself because you know that the I is important to the you, and so later on you abolish the I the You to became the we . Go and don´t stop. It s dance time !" He puts his hands on myt skin i could feel him and i could not believe so because he has beautiful like a dream caming from a magic his flow... I adore his flower gave by skin and we got a vision, both... I gave him some wine and we share the body . we could feel near we could have a collapse my skin touching and feeling his skin doing poetry in a higher level of the touch of the feeling... he was beautifull... i close my eyes and saw him floawing ... around he has éter ... difuse image like he was hidden his beauty to me... i could not open the eyes... ha had cosmic stars in his dress and i adore him to eternity... he laught i came to earth once again he stare at me and asked me "are you ok?" yes, a kind of funny girl. A certain freaky dimension, le rêve de le fantasie avec vouuusssS, yes, cést une dimension de la beauté !

4 comentários:

ZMB disse...

Aconselho-te uma música de Virgin Prunes que se ainda não conheces se xama: "IamGod" ou se fores tu a cantar dirás:"IamGodess".
Do álbum "The moon looked down and laugh", reedição recente em cd.
Procura numa boa loja de discos ou na net ou até kompra "Mute Records".
Bons sonhos Sabar das 1001 noites ou então aparece no nº22.

ZMB disse...

Aconselho-te uma música de Virgin Prunes que se ainda não conheces se xama: "IamGod" ou se fores tu a cantar dirás:"IamGodess".
Do álbum "The moon looked down and laugh", reedição recente em cd.
Procura numa boa loja de discos ou na net ou até kompra "Mute Records".
Bons sonhos Sabar das 1001 noites ou então aparece no nº22.

mental jukebox disse...

virgin prunes??? hummm lindo!
Ulakanakulot/Decline And Fall: "...take a dream and fly away...."

2 mundos 1 universo

Sabar disse...

merci já pedi a um amigo para me oferecer a musica hi hi hi beijinhos